Mint a Cardano TOKEN or NFT
Step 1: Fill out and Submit the form.
Step 2: Send 3 ADA to address that appears when you submit the form.



Your Receive Address*(not an exchange, this is where tokens are sent)

Metadata - For standard tokens, you can modify at will this is just a valid example.
Take a look at this Metadata example and guide

Check the bottom of this page for an image with the more popular METADATA fields.
Please respect our community and set the nsfw to True if this applies.
How many to Mint:
Lock Policy - No future minting or burning or metadata updates

Switch to:
Custom Metadata (Advanced Use)

Pro Tips!


Learn about arweaveId and why you might want to include it: What is Arweave?

Learn more about the metadata specification in general from this Reddit post.

Search for examples of metadata to get ideas of how others are using it with this tool.

I found this on the NFT standard posting so I included the image of the person who created it as reference.